Looking For?

Looking For?


'Looking for?' is a question often asked by gay dating app users, but it's not an easy one, at least not for Yen, the director. The question sets Yen on a journey, visiting 60 men living in seven... More
1h1m Taiwan 2016
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย Español
Gay Crush Hook-Up Documentaries Taiwan Movies


'Looking for?' is a question often asked by gay dating app users, but it's not an easy one, at least not for Yen, the director. The question sets Yen on a journey, visiting 60 men living in seven cities, revealing their experiences of love, lust and loss. Yen's journey doesn't yield a simple answer but invites the audience to contemplate the question.


Mandarin English
Tung Yen Chou
Awards & Selections
Golden Horse Awards 2017 - Best Documentary Nomination, Taiwan International Queer Film Festival 2017, Taipei Film Awards 2017 - Documentary Selection

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