Beyond the Hills

Beyond the Hills

Dupa Dealuri

Alina and Voichita have been friends since their orphanage days and lovers since they became sexually mature. Despite their oath of mutual fidelity, Alina, who could not bear poverty any more,... More
2h32m Romania/France/Belgium 2012
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Alina and Voichita have been friends since their orphanage days and lovers since they became sexually mature. Despite their oath of mutual fidelity, Alina, who could not bear poverty any more, emigrated to Germany. Now she just could not take the estrangement from Voichita and is back in Romania with a view of taking Voichita along with her to Germany. But Voichita now lives in a convent where she plans to make vows. The priest agrees to accommodate Alina before their departure. He sees all too well that not only is the young woman materialistic but hostile and troublesome as well...


Cristian Mungiu
Cosmina StratanCristina Flutur
Awards & Selections
Cannes Film Festival 2012 - Best Actress (Tie), Best Screenplay, Mar del Plata Film Festival 2012 - Best Film, Thessaloniki Film Festival 2012 - Audience Award

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