A First Love Story

A First Love Story

퍼스트 러브 스토리

'I'm getting conscripted' When Min Gyu hears his boyfriend, Jae Sung, say this, he is surprised and reluctant, but Jae Sung's nonchalant attitude makes him angry. While it is difficult for the two... More
15m Korea 2021
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'I'm getting conscripted' When Min Gyu hears his boyfriend, Jae Sung, say this, he is surprised and reluctant, but Jae Sung's nonchalant attitude makes him angry. While it is difficult for the two of them to be apart, they share their respective lives at school and in the army. But when Jae Sung hears that Min Gyu has become very popular at school, he starts to feel jealous....

☆ Even though I don't want you to leave, please take my love with you and serve out your time with no regrets!
☆ 'It's just 15 minutes but it's better than a whole BL series!' The lead actor's super affectionate interaction has its online audience whipped up into a frenzy.


Uom Ju Ho
Kim Hyung Won Jung Jae Woon

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