After 82

After 82

What would you do if a deadly virus wiped out your circle of friends and lovers? Young men who were living out and proud, making new friends, falling in love, having hopes and dreams. Tragically... More
1h39m UK 2018
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Gay Documentaries HIV Europe Movies


What would you do if a deadly virus wiped out your circle of friends and lovers? Young men who were living out and proud, making new friends, falling in love, having hopes and dreams. Tragically these young many and many others were wiped out almost overnight by a deadly virus that was later to become known as HIV. Now for the first time After 82 brings to the screen, the untold stories of the AIDS pandemic in the UK. Told by the people who were there and the people who supported them. This is their story and what happened after 82.

★The Untold Story of the AIDS Crisis in the UK


Steve KeebleBen Lord
Dominic WestJonathan BlakeShaun Dellenty

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