Bad Boy Street

Bad Boy Street

Frenchman Claude had a bad relationship in USA ages ago; that's why he came back to France. One early dawn as he is walking towards his home, he sees a drunken American lying on the pavement. Claude... More
1h20m USA 2012
繁體中文 简体中文 English Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย
Gay Age-Difference Lust Europe Movies


Frenchman Claude had a bad relationship in USA ages ago; that's why he came back to France. One early dawn as he is walking towards his home, he sees a drunken American lying on the pavement. Claude takes him to his home because there was no way to identify the Young American. When they have a chance to talk, the young American's name is Brad. That chance meeting leads to their relationship but Brad seems an enigma, seeming aloof even to Claude's BFF Catherine. Things get worse on the day of Claude's birthday, when a group of friends surprise him at his home; one recognizes Brad. Will Claude and Brad have the chance for a long term relationship?

The story is fairly strong, the performances are impressive.-Pip Ellwood-Hughes, Entertainment Focus


Todd Verow
Yann de MonternoFlorence d' AzemarKevin Miranda
Awards & Selections
QFest Philadelphia 2012, Buenos Aires Gay and Lesbian Film Festival 2013, Madrid Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
A suprise passionate love affair

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