Devil's Path

Devil's Path

In the early 90s, while searching for his missing brother in a remote gay cruising park, Noah sets his sights on a handsome stranger. When Noah is viciously attacked, he and his new companion escape... More
1h27m USA 2019
繁體中文 简体中文 English Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย Español
Gay Hook-Up Thriller North-America Movies


In the early 90s, while searching for his missing brother in a remote gay cruising park, Noah sets his sights on a handsome stranger. When Noah is viciously attacked, he and his new companion escape through the woods with two menacing thugs in hot pursuit. Lost and frightened, they begin to turn on each other and slowly unravel the truth of what's really going on around them. This moody, picturesque psychological thriller from first-time director Matthew Montgomery features unexpected twists and turns, and seamlessly blends sharp, opposing perspectives about sex and love with suspenseful set pieces filled with existential dread.

★The most thrilling and appealing film about cruising


Matthew Montgomery
Stephen TwardokusJD ScalzoJon Gale
Awards & Selections
FilmOut San Diego LGBT Film Festival 2018 - Audience Awards for Best First Narrative Feature and Best Supporting Actor, Reeling: The Chicago LGBTQ+ International Film Festival 2018, NewFest: New York's LGBTQ Film Festival 2018
You never really know what you’re going to get.

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